hiRACE, high resolution analytical chemistry for environmental engineering, is the research group funded by Dr Caroline Gauchotte-Lindsay in 2012 in the School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow. We are putting analytical chemistry to the service of engineering and environmental engineering in particular. We develop both innovative methods using advanced chromatography and mass spectrometry and novel sensitive assays and sensors that can be used with routine lab equipment. Our approaches are designed to help understand and control biological, chemical and process mechanisms. We have a special interest in environmental biotechnologies but have also taken on challenges in combustion engineering, geochemistry and health.
We have worked in most environmental media: soil, freshwater, groundwater, wastewater, drinking water and air and have studied small organic compounds, including hydrocarbons, PAHs, PCBs, emerging contaminants and pharmaceuticals and macromolecules such as microplastics and organic matter.
We are excited about and have made pioneering methods in all aspect of analytical chemistry from sample preparation to data mining and including state-of-the-art chromatography and detection. Although engineers at heart, we develop methods from first principles, so not only our methods are highly effective and successful, but we usually know why!
Our vibrant and diverse research group regularly publishes innovative and rigorous open access word-leading research. Most of our publications are now first deposited on pre-prints and we are pioneering good practices in analytical sciences by publishing extensive supplementary information to ensure reproducibility.
Caroline is also leading research on and driving changes for greater gender inclusion and equity in STEMM and in academia. With Dr Helen Mulvana of the University of Strathclyde, she leads the visNET project to champion early career researchers using social networks and collaborative technologies.
Check out the bios of our members to see what we are up to but also see what exciting works our alumna and alumni are now up to.
Some of our group members enjoy doing public engagement, check it out here. If you’d like us to deliver our activities for your events or are interested in developing a new activity with and contact us here.

Average daily flow of microplastics through a tertiary wastewater treatment plant over a ten-month period

Water Research (2019)
Microscopy and elemental analysis characterisation of microplastics in sediment of a freshwater urban river in Scotland, UK

Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019)
Systems biology approach to elucidation of contaminants biodegradation in complex samples- integration of high-resolution analytical and molecular tools

Faraday Discussions (2019)

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University of Glasgow
Advanced Research Centre
Chapel Lane
Glasgow G11 6EW

